Should you remove snow from your flat roof? Or should you hire a professional?

There are several things you should consider:

1)    Safety and fall protection should be your number one concern any time you access your roof. Most flat roofs become incredibly slippery when there is water, frost, or snow present. Injuries and possible death can result from slips and falls. Follow all OSHA regulations when accessing your roof.

2)     Do you really need to remove the snow?  how much snow load can your roof safely handle? Your building’s snow load capacity all depends on how much snow and how heavy it is. It also depends on the condition of your existing structure. You should consult a certified structural engineer.

3)    Is your roof leaking when snow and Ice are present? Modern roof systems with the exception of low sloped metal roofs are designed to be water-tight when covered with snow and Ice. If you are having leaks, one of two things are occurring,  The first snow is built up over the height of the flashings and is getting in a unit, window, or a crack in the wall, etc (in this case some removal of snow may be in order). The second reason is a deficiency in your roof system, that needs to be addressed by a professional roofing contractor.

4)    Will you damage your roof while removing snow? Punctures and tears are very common when removing ice and snow. Do you have the capacity to fix holes and tears before they leak? Will you even realize you damaged your roof? Most holes and tears are tiny. Most roofing manufacturer’s warranties do not cover punctures or tears caused by snow removal or other work on the roof.

Consider hiring a professional roofing contractor who specializes in flat roofs to remove your snow.

It is true; a professional roofing contractor will be more expensive upfront to hire, however:

A professional roofing contractor will have the correct insurance coverage.

A professional roofing contractor will have a proper fall protection plan and equipment.

A professional roofing contractor will have the experience and equipment to remove the snow while minimizing damage to the roof safely.

A professional roofing contractor will have the material and know-how to find and repair any damage during the snow removal process.

Hiring a professional roofing contractor to remove your snow safely will save you the cost of roof repairs and headaches in the long run.